Tips for Avoiding a Home Invasion
According to The Bureau of Justice Statistics, there are about 240,000 property crimes in OH each year. This includes burglary/ trespassing, motor-vehicle theft, and property theft including breaking and entering. In 2019, 101.4 people in every 1000 were victimized by property crimes.
Here are some simple ways to protect your home, vehicles, and family from becoming part of this statistic.
- Scope out your home inside and out; and look for potential entry points a burglar might use. Things like sliding glass doors that can be pulled off the track, window air conditioners that can be easily removed, and similar weak points could be potential easy access points. Observe what pricey items can be seen from the outside of the home that might tempt a thief.
- Lock doors and windows. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 40 percent of burglaries do not involve forced entry. Install deadbolts and remember to lock the door leading to the house from the garage too.
- Instead of hiding a key somewhere for a burglar to find, consider giving a spare key to a neighbor. If your neighbors are too far away, and if you must leave a key outside, consider putting it in a combination lockbox.
- Tuck away expensive items so they are out of view. When you purchase a new appliance or piece of electronic equipment, destroy the packaging rather than letting it sit next to your trash can.
- Install a home security system, or at the very least put a sign in your yard that says you have one. Some insurance companies even offer a small discount on your homeowner’s insurance if you have an alarm system installed.
- If you are in a neighborhood where neighbors are close, get to know them. Neighbors look out for each other and strangers stand out. Consider starting a neighborhood watch program.
U.S. Department of Justice Criminal Victimization Report Summary